Finding True Freedom

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Seeking acceptance from people and or things is part of our human nature. This acceptance creates a sense of freedom, due to the feeling of security that it offers. The problem however is that relying on people or things for acceptance promotes all sorts of subtle and overt manipulation and control, creating insecurity and no real freedom at all.

Jesus on the other hand, wants us to ‘…have life, and have it to the full’ (Jn 10:10 NIV). He promises us the truth, so that we can become truly free from dependencies, and the issues that underpin them (John 8:31-32). Real freedom is available to us if we bring ourselves to Him, as we are told ‘…if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed’ (Jn 8:36).

Scott Morgan
We provide professional counselling services to individual, couples and families. We are MBTI® certified practitioners, providing consulting services to businesses, organisations, and individuals in the Melbourne area, interstate and around the world. We deliver MBTI® Workshops to empower individuals, build teamwork and increase productivity.

Inside Out Transformation - Living Life from the Inside Out


Introverts in the Church